Magic Happens at an Outer Banks Halloween
For kids Halloween is magic...and maybe for adults as well. On the Outer Banks that is certainly the case.
There was a full slate of activities and parades leading up to the big All Hallow's Eve celebration and even on Halloween there's a bit of fun and fright. The Roanoke Island Maritime Museum Haunted House in Manteo had plenty of screams and goosebumps for the evening.
If, however, there is one Halloween event that marks the Outer Banks as truly unique, it's what happens around First Street in Kill Devil Hills.
If there is magic to the holiday, that's where it's found.
For some reason, and it's been going on for some time, just about every house in a six block radius dresses up in their finest Halloween finery, fills their candy bowls as full as can be and awaits the invading horde.
And the invaders never fail to show up.
For about two hours foot traffic is the only traffic on the streets and the night is filled with little girls as fairy princesses, little boys as superheroes, a smattering of teenagers and lots of moms and dads—usually dressed up as something. Skeletons for dad and superhero moms seems popular this year.
The decorations are as much of the magic as the families that make the trip from all over the Outer Banks.
There are ghosts, perhaps being hung in effigy, but in any case attached to a rope and pulley so they can drop down upon the unsuspecting child. There are graveyards and ghost figures everywhere.
The kids are genuinely nice, happy to be out and the norm is to take one piece of candy—there is so much there is no pointing greed anyway—and leave with a thank you and a Happy Halloween.
It is a wonderful way to spend an evening and great reminder of just how important community is.
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