Centerpiece of downtown Manteo Looks Great after Repairs
It was great to see the Dare County Arts Council (DCAC) reopened just three weeks after flood waters from Tropical Storm Michael got inside the building.
By the time Michael got to the Outer Banks it was a day of wind and intermittent heavy rain showers. It was the tail end of the storm that packed a wallop though, pushing flood waters into a number of soundside areas...including Manteo.
The waters receded almost as fast they come in, but water in a building is still water in a building and the DCAC Gallery and offices had to close while they made repairs and dried out.
Reopening on First Friday in November, the old Dare County Courthouse where it's located, looked as good as it has. The word must have gotten out because the Gallery was packed.
The featured artist this month is really worth a trip to the DCAC. Daniel Pullen is a true artist with a camera. A native of Hatteras Island, he's been capturing images that tell the story of life on the Outer Banks is a way very few manage.
The photographs are a delight to look at individually, but taken as a whole, what emerges is a picture of the collage of life on the Outer Banks. There is beautiful imagery of lighthouses and full moons; Daniel has captures some remarkable images of surfing and the pictures he has taken of local fishermen seem to tell in a single picture what words often cannot describe.
The Daniel Pullen Photography Exhibit will be on display through the month.
Next First Friday brings Santa Claus to Manteo—a must see event on the Outer Banks.
Enjoy long walks on almost deserted beaches and the Outer Banks in the off season. Check out Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates to find the finest in accommodations.