It is no secret that the Outer Banks are full of attractions to visit. What is the point in visiting the OBX if you don't stop for a great meal from a local restaurant or explore the aquarium? While there are plenty of places many tourists visit, there are a few local gems that few visitors get to see. Check out our top 5 OBX local secrets of the Outer Banks that you need to add to your to-do vacation list.
The wright brothers having their first flight on a North Carolina beach. Another monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first powered flight by the Wright Brothers, the Century of Flight Monument is a must stop location for all aviation enthusiasts. It is a legacy to the beauty and mystery of powered flight, recognizing significant accompaniments, milestones and sacrifices given by men and women who have helped human advancement in the area of flight. It is located in the Town of Kitty Hawk.
A cup of freshly made Espresso coffee on a wooden table. If you love coffee, you need to stop at the best spot in town: Ashley's Espresso Parlor. Located in Kitty Hawk, you can find what many locals consider to be one of the best coffee joints around the islands. Featuring in-house roasted coffee, local artwork, oceanfront views and known as a community hangout, there is no better place to grab your morning coffee than being around the locals.
A man kite boarding on a local beach. Known as the highest natural sand dune on the East Coast, you can also find one of the largest hang gliding schools located at Jockey's Ridge. It is the best place in the Outer Banks to watch a sunset, hang glide or to fly a kite. It is a great place to visit if you want to get some fresh air. Whether you like hiking, paddling, picnicking, sand-boarding, windsurfing or just swimming, you'll get that great outdoor space at Jockey's Ridge.When you come to visit the Outer Banks, don't just visit the regular attractions most vacation-goers visit. Check out the top local secrets we mentioned and make your next Outer Banks vacation a memorable one. Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates is one of the most trusted vacation rental managers in the local area by growing into a market leader in the Vacation Rental and Sales Industry. Joe Lamb Jr. and his family have played a vital and intricate role in the Outer Banks Community for decades.Over the past 50+ years, Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates have worked diligently to help promote the Outer Banks for the amazing beach and family vacation destination that it is, helping to increase tourism in the area and grow our beautiful community.
Top 5 OBX Local Secrets
Winged Horses of the OBX
Thanks to the Outer Banks Press, these majestic horses can still be found around the Outer Banks even after 15 years since they were first erected. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first flight by the Wright Brothers on the Outer Banks, these horses were installed between 2002 and 2004. Each of these statues are similar in body shape, but have all been individually painted by local artists, each showcasing their own personality. While some may have been removed, you can still see these painted horses outside of local restaurants, shops and schools.Century of Flight Monument

Ashley's Espresso Parlor

The Little Red Mailbox of Hope
This small safe space is a must see for anybody visiting the Outer Banks. Inside the Little Red Mailbox of Hope, you will find a notebook containing letters, notes, thoughts and quotes all from visitors and locals alike. Its mission is simple: to write uplifting messages of hope and love to share with others. It is located near Kill Devil Hills and you can stop by to leave a little note of hope for random strangers who may need encouragement. It has become such a popular attraction, it has inspired others to put up little red mailboxes of hope of their own in 11 other locations including Nags Head, Kitty Hawk and more.Jockey's Ridge State Park