When you’re soaking up the sun on the beautiful shores of the Outer Banks, staying vigilant about beach flags is crucial for your safety. At Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates, we want you to enjoy your beach time confidently. For more information on beach safety, visit our dedicated beach safety page. Here’s a guide to the different beach flags and their meanings.
Read MoreTag: Currituck
Corolla-Wild Horses Outsmart Fence Looking for Greener Pastures

Corolla Wild mustangs grazing in the 4WD area for Carova.The Corolla Wild Horses have gotten themselves in the news again. It seems the herd has figured out that the fence meant to keep them in the 4WD area of the Currituck Banks is damaged. The fence runs from the Currituck Sound to the
Read MoreOuter Banks Spring Music Festival Season Is Here

With two major music festivals this week, the Outer Banks music scene is heating up.Now that the Outer Banks Bluegrass Festival has moved to May, it looks as though this coming week can officially be termed Outer Banks Spring Music Festival Week.With two major music festivals this week, that seems
Read MoreFresh Strawberries Ready to Be Picked

Picking fresh strawberries at the Malco's strawberry patch just north of the Wright Memorial Bridge.Everything is right in the world of the Outer Banks. The weather has been springtime perfect and Mr and Mrs. Malco have opened their strawberry patch for picking once again. It's hard to remember...
Read MoreSELC Sues to Stop Mid Currituck Bridge

Proposed route of the Mid Currituck Bridge.In a move that is probably a surprise to no one who is following the events, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) is suing NCDOT to stop construction of the $500 Mid Currituck Bridge.The SELC has been opposed to the bridge since it was first
Read MoreBeach Permit Now Required for Parking on Carova Beach

Changes Coming to Carova Beach Use

County Commissioners Consider Beach Parking Fee for Northern Tip of Outer Banks
Big Curri-Shuck Comes to Sanctuary Vineyards

Currituck Banks Reserve-A Different Side to the Outer Banks