A Possible Nor'Easter Can't Keep Beer from Flying
Somehow, flying into the teeth of a brisk northeast wind, the BrewTag competitors proved conclusively that beer can almost fly.
The weather was iffy on Saturday, but that didn't keep the aeronautical engineers who created the Flying Chicken and other wonders of the imagination of flight from climbing the tower and launching their creations.
In the end it was the Boys Of the Obx Brewing Station (the Boobs) who took home the top prize with a flight of 39'—a remarkable achievement given the 10-15 mph winds and gusts to 20+.
Organized by Kitty Hawk Kites, BrewTag may be one of the most fun events of the year. Taking place at the Event Site in Nags Head, teams compete with homemade gliders with a (small) keg (empty) attached. In the past gliders patterned after the Rogallo Wing that is used for hang gliders seemed to do best. This year, though, the BOOBS mono-wing glider took top distance, although it's landing was not the most graceful.
What makes BrewTag so much fun is that it refuses to take itself too seriously...that and the 20 microbrews on hand. There was also some great food from local vendors.
Like all events that has the Kitty Hawk Kites stamp on it, though, it is very family friendly with well-thought out and well planned activities for kids.
The Outer Banks Brewtag is a benefit The Rogallo Foundation. The Rogallo Foundation was created to honor Francis and Gertrude Rogallo, inventors of the flexible wing. Proceeds will be used to build a museum featuring Rogallo's work, designs, history and advancements since its development.
Look for the 2019 BrewTag on Saturday, October 26.
There is still lots to do on the Outer Banks. Make your reservations today at Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates.