Exciting food and family gatherings are waiting for you. It is time to celebrate everything with friends and family by consuming more turkey, and pumpkin pie than anyone thought was humanly possible. It's the time of the year to be thankful. An Outer Banks Thanksgiving may be the perfect
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Big Currishuck, Great Food, Great Music and a Great Good Time

All you can eat oysters, freshly steamed and tasty. One of the best parts of the Big Currishuck.If it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving it has got to be the Big Currishuck at Sanctuary Vineyards in Jarvisburg. It's just a little ways north of the Outer Banks. Close enough that we can still call it
Read MoreA Happy Thanksgiving Wish from Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates

Thanksgiving, we have decided, has a very good case for being our favorite holiday. The requirements are simple—spend time with the people we care about the most and eat a lot of food, and be thankful that those people are in our lives.As a requirement for a successful holiday, it doesn't get
Read MoreThe Big Curri-Shuck...the Perfect Way to End Thanksgiving Weekend

The Big Curri-Shuck is the perfect post Thanksgiving celebration. Thanksgiving is all about food, family and just enjoying the day without worrying about eating too much or really anything.The Big Curric-Shuck is pretty much the same thing with some live music thrown in.Held the Saturday after
Read MoreThankful on the Outer Banks

A Day of Thanksgiving on the Outer Banks

It's a rainy Thanksgiving here on the Outer Banks, but that's ok—we need the rain. The holiday, especially on the Outer Banks has in so many way become what it was originally meant to be—a time for family and friends to gather and give thanks for those moment when we can spend some time
Read MoreAlmost Home Cooked Holiday Meal

One of the great traditions on the Outer Banks is gathering for holidays. That's not just those of us who live here, it also homeowners and visitors coming to stay for a special November treat or to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.Tradition holds that someone spends most of the day in the
Read MoreThanksgiving Start of Outer Banks Holiday Traditions