Spring is the perfect time to visit the Outer Banks! From a lively St. Patrick’s Day parade and food festivals to outdoor adventures and family-friendly events, there’s something for everyone. Check out the must-attend events this season and start planning your OBX getaway with Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates!
Read MoreTag: Duck
Christmas--and Santa--Come to the Outer Banks

Santa arrives at Duck to the delight of children of every age.Christmas has come to the Outer Banks. We know that because the tree lighting was held in Manteo last night and today Santa Claus hopped off a fire truck in Duck to the delight of a lot of kids...and adults too.In a lot of ways, the
Read MoreFire Destroys the Original Cotton Gin

Fire destroyed the Cotton Gin in Jarvisburg.The original Cotton Gin on the Currituck Mainland has been so much a part of Outer Banks life that it's hard to imagine what it will be like without it. After Saturday's blaze the left only charred remains of the store, we'll have to face that reality.We
Read MoreOuter Banks New Year's Eve Celebrations Promise Fun for All

Manteo promises the largest New Year's Eve fireworks in the state. If the weather holds, it may be.We had a fantastic Christmas here on the Outer Banks and with Christmas past, the next holiday to greet us is New Year's Eve.It's kind of nice—the Outer Banks offers our visitors and residents a
Read MoreVillage Table and Tavern Opens in Town of Duck

Tree Lightings Mark Beginning of OBX Christmas Season

Beach Nourishment Begins in Duck

Meetings Highlight Outer Banks Beach Nourishment