Everything is right in the world of the Outer Banks. The weather has been springtime perfect and Mr and Mrs. Malco have opened their strawberry patch for picking once again.
It's hard to remember from year to year just how good those berries are, but this year's crop, by acclimation seems to be really, really good.
Just about everyone living on the northern Outer Banks knows where the strawberry picking is, but for visitors, it's about a three quarters of a mile north of the Wright Memorial Bridge on the Currituck mainland. With the weather as good as it has been, the Malco's should have things open, but just in case, look for the strawberry banner with the open sign.
As an adult, picking fresh strawberries is a taste delight, but for the real joy in the event, take a child...preferably one who has never eaten a strawberry that they picked and then ate. The look of wonder that crosses their face is beautiful
A couple of things that are important to know.
It is all cash. No credit cards, checks or any other form of payment. The berries are $2.50/pound this year. We always figure we'll pick around 10 pounds but invariably end up with 12-15.
Containers are available to carry the strawberries home, but there is a fee for them, so it may be better to bring your own.
There is no shade, so it's a good idea to bring some water and put some sunscreen on.
These are not store bought strawberries. They taste infinitely better than anything purchased in a store, but their shelf life is limited. Be sure to make plans to freeze some. They're fantastic in smoothies.
Mostly—go have fun.
There is always something fun to do on the Outer Banks. Stay with Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates and discover the joys of life on a sandbar.