We can now raise a morning Sunday Brunch class of wine, beer or even a mixed drink at most locations on the Outer Banks.
Not all—but most.
The Brunch Bill
On June 30 SB155, often referred to as the Brunch Bill was signed into law by Governor Roy Cooper. The bill allows alcohol sales before noon on Sundays. Before it was signed, sales of alcohol were prohibited before noon—a legal requirement that frankly left many Outer Banks visitors scratching their heads.
The new bill allow sales at begin at 10 a.m. on Sundays.
There is a catch though. Local jurisdictions have to approve the measure.
Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, Southern Shores and Manteo moved quickly to approve an ordinance allowing the earlier sales. In a head scratcher, Nags Head town council postponed their vote to allow citizens to give their input. The rescheduled vote will occur next Wednesday, July 19.
A Little Controversy
Actually Nags Head Commissioners were not the o
nly one's who wanted to give their residents a chance for public comment. Although the Kitty Hawk Town Council passed the resolution unanimously, Councilman Jeff Pruitt raised the same issue, saying:
'I personally don't know what the people of Kitty Hawk feel about this....I kind of wish that there had been some way for some kind of a public hearing so we could hear from the residents of Kitty Hawk before we take a vote."
Dare and Currituck Counties will take up the measure on Monday, July 17.
The bill enjoys wide support from Outer Bank businesses. Restaurants owners especially felt the prohibition against selling mixed drinks, wine or beer was hurting their Sunday sales.
The upshot, though, of the votes by the towns that did vote to approve is that wine and beer will be available in retail stores beginning at 10 a.m. Wine, beer and mixed drinks will be available at restaurants beginning at the same time on Sundays.