Do the spirits of the first English colonists roam the forest of Roanoke Island? Are there, in fact, ghosts wandering about The Lost Colony?
For the next two week, there is a chance to discover for yourself if it's true or false.
The Lost Colony is offering their annual Ghosts of the Lost Colony tour, that may even include a chance meeting with a spirit form beyond.
The tour dates—April 15-27—give lots of chance to see if the spirts really do remain from the ill-fated attempt to build an English town on Roanoke Island.
Is The Lost Colony and the site of what was briefly "The City of Raleigh" haunted? There is speculation that it is and unconfirmed reports of sightings of spirits.
The tour is a half mile nighttime walk through the forest the borders The Lost Colony. It's about an hour long and include a talk about the history of the Colony and perhaps a chance meeting with a spectral presence.
Tours are scheduled to leave at 8:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Unlike the earlier Halloween tour, that was designed to scare everyone, this tour has been created with the whole family in mind. So, bring the kids—they'll have a great time.
A couple of suggestions. Comfortable shoes are a must. It is a half mile walk through the woods. The paths are well-marked, but it is at night. A light jacket is also a good idea. April nights on the Outer Banks can get a bit chilly.
The Lost Colony Ghost Tour is just one of many great events happening on the Outer Banks. Spend a week with Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates and discover what life on a sandbar is really all about.