A State in disarray but a community united.
Hurricane Matthew was a force to be reckoned with beginning with devastating results in Haiti and working its way through Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The effects from this storm will be felt for months. Harsh winds, heavy rains, flash flooding, storm surges and complete destruction were all apart of Mother Nature's plan. What she didn't plan for was the strength of our community.

Thank you to the line-men & tree-services that have been working diligently to restore power to our homes and clean up debris in our streets. Thank you to our County & to all the individual towns for providing such quick information & updates. Thank you to our first responders and to ALL emergency personal that have been out helping and protecting our friends and family.Thank you to our visitors & our owners for showing great patience and understanding. A HUGE Thank YOU to our staff, fellow peers and outstanding community. We may still be cleaning up after Matthew but the task seems a little less daunting with all of your help and support..I would like to use this blog post to extended a Thank You out to our OBX community. The compassion, strength, patience and grace that I have witnessed over the last week has truly warmed my heart and restored my faith.
To every member of our community and to our surrounding communities; You are in our thoughts & we value your strength during this trying time.