Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the Ash Wednesday Storm...The only time in living memory when the Atlantic Ocean and the Sounds met across the Outer Banks.
The photo below is widely considered a snap shot taken from the high-ground in Kitty Hawk during the storm; but according the Eve Turek of the Yellowhouse Gallery...
"Yes, we sell copies of this composite picture and I tell the original photographer's storyâåÛ¦ she never intended to deceive anyone into thinking this was an actual photo of Ash Wednesday StormâåÛ¦ as a photography major in college in the early 70's, she had to create as part of her senior portfolio a believable "trick" photograph, a stacked negative composite. She took these two photos herself that summer and merged them to create this appearance of a monster wave (and got an A from her professor to boot). Her name is Linda Westermann and I am honored to be able to share her story and her image."

The photo below is widely considered a snap shot taken from the high-ground in Kitty Hawk during the storm; but according the Eve Turek of the Yellowhouse Gallery...
"Yes, we sell copies of this composite picture and I tell the original photographer's storyâåÛ¦ she never intended to deceive anyone into thinking this was an actual photo of Ash Wednesday StormâåÛ¦ as a photography major in college in the early 70's, she had to create as part of her senior portfolio a believable "trick" photograph, a stacked negative composite. She took these two photos herself that summer and merged them to create this appearance of a monster wave (and got an A from her professor to boot). Her name is Linda Westermann and I am honored to be able to share her story and her image."