Eating shrimp for a good cause. Could there possibly be a better plan of action than that?
The 10th Annual Shrimp Cookoff is this coming Sunday, November 3 at Ocean Boulevard in Kitty Hawk.
The good cause? The Outer Banks Center for Dolphin Research.
The Outer Banks Center for Dolphin Research has been gathering data on the Outer Banks dolphins that call Roanoke sound and surrounding waters their home. Yes, there are a lot of them.
For the most part they are seasonal visitors, staying on the Outer Banks from spring though early fall. They are somewhat migratory and as the weather turns colder, they head for warmer waters.
What is surprising is how many dolphins call the Outer Banks home during the summer. Since 2008 when they first began counting dolphins, the OBCDR has confirmed 800.
To identify individual species, the OBCDR uses a simple but effective method. They photograph the dolphin's fins. Each fin is unique, often with evidence of tangles with sharks or other predators, making identification fairly obvious.
Their work has helped scientists get a better handle on which dolphins migrate to where and when.
It is ongoing work, and the Shrimp Cookoff goes a long way to helping the OBCDR do its research.
Some great restaurants will be on hand, including Ocean Boulevard, of course, Bad Bean Baja Grill, AQUA Restaurant and many more.
This is a great opportunity to sample some great seafood from some of the best Outer Banks chefs and help a good cause.
There is always something to do on the Outer Banks. Spend some time with Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates and see what it's all about.