Posted on 1/8/2015

Shivering on the Outer Banks

Geese at Kitty Hawk Bay in the winter.

By any standard it's cold on the Outer Banks today. Very cold . . . as in it's not going to get above freezing. Admittedly it's not as cold as it is in Philadelphia, or Washington, D.C., or Columbus, Ohio, but it's cold. And that north wind isn't helping much either, and the snow flurries this morning just added insult to injury.

It's enough to make you start dreaming about the summer-warm breezes, soft sand, refreshing ocean temperatures, lots of sunshine . . . all the reason people come to the Outer Banks for their vacations.

Since we're already talking about the summer, this is probably a good time to put a plug in for getting those summer reservations taken care of as soon as possible. Here at Joe Lamb Jr., & Associates & Associates we still have a good selection of rentals available, but it's best to let us know what your needs are as soon as possible. The earlier we can confirm a reservation the better we are able to match your plans with one of our properties.

A final note on the weather-the wind and front that passed through has kicked up some surf. Not great, but for someone with a dry suit and time on their hands worth checking out.

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