Everyone has a certain day or event that they look forward to every year. It's certainly an individual choice, but honestly the Outer Banks Surfing for Autism that just happened on Saturday at Jennette's Pier has to be at the top of anyone's list who has been there.
There is nothing quite like it.
For nine years the Outer Banks surfing community has stepped forward to create a special day for children with autism and their families. Taking the kids into the surf to give them a chance to ride a wave, longhaired surfers, men, women, old, young...they all come together and the result is magic.
It's magic for the kids. Magic for the surfers—really talk to them and they are riding a natural high. But the most magical moment might be for the families, for the chance for parents to watch their child accomplish something they never thought could be done.
It is an emotionally powerful thing and for everyone who participates in it, the day becomes special and something to be repeated year after year.
The Outer Banks Surfing for Autism was begun by parents who were surfers whose children were autistic. Hoping to give their kids a little of what they enjoyed so much, they asked surfers if they would be willing to help.
In 2010 the response was overwhelming and it just keeps growing and growing.
Although most of the families who bring their children are local, the event is not restricted to just Outer Banks families and there are always a good number of kids in the water from Elizabeth City or Camden County.
The water temperature was ideal this year. The break was, well...ok. But it didn't matter. But it didn't matter, because this was about the experience of being in the water and trying something new and rising to the challenge.
When people ask what the Outer Banks is really all about, Sufing for Autism is something we here at Joe Lamb, Jr, & Associates can point to with pride.