A Great Day--And Week--To Be On the Water
We must have done something right to please the Surf gods here on the Outer Banks because for the past week we have just about ideal surf conditions... and today was no exception.
And it looks as though those conditions are going to continue for the next few days.
The hotspot for the northern Outer Banks—north of Oregon Inlet—has been Jennette's Pier for sometime. It's fun just watching the surfers, and what seems to make a day like today truly special is how many are in the water—by our count somewhere around 35 at mid afternoon—and kids from seven to 70 having a great time.
Jennette's Pier is not the only place on the Outer Banks with great surf conditions. Actually when were checked the reports and from what we heard, form Corolla to Ocracoke conditions have been about as good as they get. Even break on the waves, water temperature just right and mild daytime temperatures.
Of course there's a lot happening on the Outer Banks this week, not just the surfing.
The Outer Banks Bluegrass Festival has kicked off and will run through Saturday. For jazz music fans, the Duck Jazz Festival is happening Saturday and Sunday with Sunday being the big day...the day all the acts share the satage.
And get ready for next weekend as the inaugural Mustang Rock and Roast kicks off up in Corolla. Mostly music, organizers are taking two-and-a-half out of the show to show their appreciation for two local culinary delights. On Saturday its an oyster roast and on Sunday there will be a barbecue cookoff.
This week though, and if the forecast holds, has really been about surfing and some of the consistency best conditions we have seen in a while.
Fall weather is spectacular on the Outer Banks . Come check out how great it can be at Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates.