Here's what makes for a great day on the Outer Banks—some music, a great cause to support and helping a friend. Oh...and some free food is always nice.
That pretty much sums up what Jubilee Music Store's Grand Opening and Fundraiser was all about on Sunday.
About a month or so ago, Ronnie Swaim, the owner of Jubilee Music, moved his store about 20 yards from his cramped quarters on the tip end of Seagate North in Kill Devil Hills to his new digs in the middle of the plaza.
The new space is more than twice as big, so he finally has all his instruments on display, although a rumor is floating around that there are still some he doesn't have out. The new store also has a small stage where he's planning on having an occasional acoustic group play and some open mics.
So a Grand Opening was certainly called for.
But it ended up being more than a grand opening. During the move, Ronnie and his wife Nancy found out she was in stage four cancer, and in typical Outer Banks fashion, what was just a grand opening became a Grand Opening and Fundraiser.
Ronnie is a heck of a musician, plays bluegrass guitar about as well as it can be played. But like musicians the world over, it's about the music, not one style.
Because of that, he is genuinely respected and liked by Outer Banks musicians. So the day had bluegrass and acoustic music inside and some great hard driving rock n' roll outside.
And hotdogs and sodas too.
Which made it a fantastic day and real tribute to the affection the community feels toward Ronnie and Nancy.
The Outer Banks community is remarkably friendly and giving. Spend some time with and see what the real life on a sandbar is all about. Check out our listings at Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associate.