On the Outer Banks the 4th of July is pretty much an all day affair. There's a parade; there's a street fair—two of them, really. And of course fireworks. Spectacular fireworks.
One of our favorite ways to start our Independence Day celebration and really get us in the mood for the rest of the day is to check out the town of Duck's 4th of July parade.
Parade, Town of Duck, 9:00 a.m.
Nothing that we have seen is quite like it. It is this wonderful combination of the weird, wacky and love of country that it is impossible to walk away and not be smiling.
Plan to arrive a bit early. Parking and traffic can be a problem.
The Duck parade is a morning event, so there's plenty of time to get ready for the afternoon events.
There are two of them and they lead right into some spectacular fireworks.
Whalehead Club, Corolla, 3:00 p.m.
Fireworks at Dusk
Games, competitions and rides geared toward children during the afternoon. Lots of food vendors are always on hand and usually there's fundraiser or church group thrown in the mix with some delicious homemade goodies.
The setting is beautiful and the fireworks over Currituck Sound is as good as it gets.