There are a lot of ways to bring in the New Year. Some people sit at home contemplating the year gone by. Sometimes friends gather to spend a special evening with the people who mean the most to each other. Others head out to a favorite nightspot, especially if there is entertainment and sparkling wine involved.
We have to admit, though that the New Year's Eve celebration that has taken a special place in our hearts is Manteo's annual New Year in the New World celebration.
When Manteo puts on a celebration it is very much all about family and the NYNW evening is no exception.
Think back to childhood and how long the wait was for the ball to drop on TV at Time's Square. When you're seven or eight, midnight can be a long time coming.
Manteo has solved that. They drop a ball at the old County Courthouse—now the Dare County Arts Council Gallery, at 8:00 p.m. OK, it's not Time's Square, but the ball drops and in the past the kids have loved it.
The entire event takes place on the Manteo Waterfront, in a street fair atmosphere with music right up to the stroke of midnight.
And then the fireworks light the sky, welcoming 2020 with with a burst of light over the Elizabeth II, the replica ship of the boat that brought the English settlers to the Lost Colony in 1585.
The weather is looking like it's going to cooperate this year. Last year it was great but two years ago, it was bitterly...very bitterly...cold. Not this year at all. Perhaps a bit chilly but the low temperatures are forecast to be well above freezing with any rain falling earlier in the day.
Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates is your source for the best time there is on the Outer Banks. Reserve your Outer Banks home today.