It seems as though the winter is just zipping by here on the Outer Banks. Although, as winters go, it hasn't been much of one.
But here we are, it's March already, the days are beginning to feel a bit longer the weather, which has been wonderfully mild, will hopefully stay that way and there are some great events coming up this month on the Outer Bank.
We're not going to write about all of the March events, but there are a few we want to be sure to mention.
Kelly's St. Patrick's Day Parade
Beach Road, Nags Head
March 12
The parade is a bit earlier than usual this year, so be sure to mark the calendar because this is one parade that should not be missed. Mike Kelly has been putting on this parade for over 25 years and it is always fun, whacky and a wonderful celebration of all that's best about the Outer Banks.
Outer Banks Taste Of The Beach Weekend
Outer Banks
March 23 - March 26
The Taste of the Beach combines two sure-to-please features—great food and a chance to tour the northern Outer Banks.
There are so many events on the schedule that it's not possible to call all of them out, but we do want to call attention to three in particular, nicely scheduled on three different days so there's no excuse for not showing up for all three.
The Outer Banks BBQ & Wing Showdown
The Soundside Event Site, Nags Head
March 24
This is our favorite event of the weekend because...well, Joe Lamb Jr., & Associates sponsors it. With the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, we should add.
Nonetheless, this is a fun, fun event with some of the best chefs on the Outer Banks competing to prove they make the best wings and barbecue around.
Helpful hint: Consume no food after midnight of the night before.
Annual OBX Chowder Cookoff
Southern Shores Crossing Shopping Center, Southern Shores
March 25
Going to the Chowder Cookoff is like entering a chowder museum where the exhibits are edible. Very edible.
It is almost impossible to describe how many different ways chowder can be prepared and in the hands of some of the best chef's on the Outer Banks, it is some good soup.
It is an outdoor event, although Southern Shores Crossing is very protected. Nonetheless, dress accordingly.
Grand Tasting & Bartenders Bubbly Bash
Port 'o Call Restaurant, Kill Devil Hills
March 26
The Grand Finale and a grand time it is. Don't miss this one.