Welcome to the New Year! As we all sit back and think of the new adventures we wish to seek in 2022 we know that advanced planning will help us achieve those goals.
Planners actually do travel more than non-planners. **More than half (56%) of Americans who typically planned their time off took an overnight vacation in 2021 compared to 33% of non-planners.

If you have been dreaming of a relaxing vacation sitting on the beach and enjoying the sound of waves crashing, your children playing in the background, and the shorebirds singing in the air. We, however, have a very important question to ask you, have you booked your 2022 vacation to the Outer Banks yet? The National Plan for Vacation Day has been set aside for January 25th to encourage travelers to plan their vacations.
So save the date, January 25th and use that day to pre-plan your family vacation for 2022.
Why Vacations are a Good Decision for You
After we've all been through the past two years, it's time to start thinking about you and your family's health and wellbeing. Many Americans are still feeling burnout, and they're ready for a change of scenery. But did you know that many Americans still are not utilizing all of their vacation days, and the majority of them are saying they're desperate for a vacation. Instead of feeling burned out yourself, start planning your family vacation now to stay in one of our Outer Banks vacation rentals and don't lose out on your time to relax & renew with loved ones.
More Reasons Why a Vacation is Important to All
Better Sleep - Another reason you'll find relaxing about vacationing on the Outer Banks is that your sleep will improve. There's something about taking a vacation, sleeping in a new environment that will allow you to relax and have a better night's sleep.
Better Mood - Vacations can not only relieve stress and allow you to sleep, but they can boost your mood too. Getting away from life at home, having new scenery, and making new memories can give you a better outlook on life and put you in a better mood.
Anticipation - After you've figured out how many days you can vacation in 2022 and you've coordinated with your family when would be the best time to go on vacation, comes the anticipation of booking your vacation. You will sense the anticipation of your time off from work growing and you'll get to see your kids' excitement build as the calendar draws closer as your vacation together approaches.
Book Direct Day - This year take advantage of both #PlanYourVacation Day on January 25th and #BookDirect Day on February 2nd, 2022. When you book direct with us you will receive better rates and from "time to time" some special offers. We want to make sure that you and your family have the best experience in booking your next vacation.

This year instead of trying to decide where you should go and when you should take your vacation, you'll be ahead of many Americans who haven't taken advantage of the #PlanForVacation Day. Spending your time in one of our Outer Banks vacation rentals will allow you and your family to disconnect from life at home and enjoy your time together.
**Source: Destination Analysts, 2021
Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates is one of the most trusted vacation rental managers in the local area by growing into a market leader in the Vacation Rental & Sales Industry. Joe Lamb Jr. and his family have played a vital and intricate role in the Outer Banks Community for decades.
Over the past 50+ years, Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates have worked diligently to help promote the Outer Banks for the amazing beach and family vacation destination that it is, helping to increase tourism in the area and grow our beautiful community.