Posted on 9/3/2020

Discovering A Little Free Library On The Outer Banks

Reading a book while sitting on the beach is by far one of the most relaxing things to do on an Outer Banks vacation. Exchanging a book at one of the many Little Free Library's scattered about OBX is in the top Things To Do when visiting The Outer Banks. 


These cute model houses or Lifesaving Stations have been popping up all over The Outer Banks and allows everyone to enjoy a fresh new book or exchange a finished book for a new read at any time during your stay. Kill Devil Hills offers six library's while Southern Shores hosts four. With 15 registered Little Free Library's on OBX you can find one in every town.

Use This Customized Map To Find A Nearby Little Free Library On OBX


One of the benefits of using a Little Free Library is that you never know what books are going to be inside. It can be a wide variety of romance, drama, fiction, non-fiction, and children's books. Many of those who have started using the free libraries have found themselves reading books they may have never picked up. There typically are plenty of children's books in the box too. Some Little Free Library's were created by neighborhood groups or non-profit organizations who promote children's literacy.  Take the library at Dowdy Park which is sponsored by The Outer Banks Women's Club. This library was created and is maintained by the Outer Banks Women's Club to support the club's goal of promoting literacy and love for reading in their unique beach community.            


While on vacation, spending the day by the water on sunning on the pool deck is what many families want. But when it's time to take a break from the waves or sit down before lunch time why not have an excellent book to read?  You can even bring a few books down, spread them out and let the kids decide on their own. No matter what you're reading on your getaway, just sit back and relax.  These libraries can often be found at beach access points along the beach road so be on the lookout when crossing the dunes for your next favorite book.


For families that may be homeschooling when visiting there are library options that may be of special interest. The Nature Protectors community service division offers two libraries. They are a local group of homeschooling families and friends that built and painted two area libraries to promote reading adventures. Be sure to find these colorful houses when in the area.