"It was a dark and stormy night . . ." pretty much describes the Outer Banks weather this Superbowl Sunday. Actually the following phrase of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's line—the author of that phrase—seems apt as well. ". . . except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind. . . "
In short, a perfect night to watch the Superbowl.
More evidence of just how it's a great day to be inside. Here are two surf reports from
OBXSurf.com—one of the best surf forecasting sites.
" . . . your Kitty Hawk surf report. Cold and windy this morning. Surf in the 3-4 ft range with unorganized conditions. North winds at 20 forecasted to reach 40-50 later this evening. Perfect day to stay inside and enjoy the super bowl."
Nags Head: "Unsurfable today. We are expecting a coastal storm to blow out of the North anywhere from 30-potentially 60mph ... plus rain. There is also a coastal flood warning in areas North of Cape Hatteras today. . . It's recommended to secure loose items around the house and keep an eye on the sound side water levels. . . Sounds like a perfect day to stay inside and enjoy the Superbowl."
All things considered, the best place to be today is with friends, family or at local sports bar, enjoying what has become a wonderful part of 21st century America.
Being from North Carolina, it seems natural that we would favor the Panthers. However, there are so many transplants on the Outer Banks that we're being very careful about taking sides.