Take the time now to prepare for your upcoming OBX vacation.
Finally, a place with no urgent deadlines, endless meetings, or obligatory workplace lunches to distract us, vacation is one of the only occasions we can just totally lose ourselves. However, decision fatigue may have set in after picking a vacation destination (Nags Head? Kill Devil Hills? Kitty Hawk?), a beach house, figuring out what to pack and what to place on the itinerary.
Remembering to pack a book or two can be an oversight while trying to navigate your pre-trip planning. Take the time in the "off-season" to load up your book list or e-reader now to prepare for your next Outer Banks Vacation.
If you are a bit of a traditionalist and still find comfort in a physical book here are some pros and cons of a hardback and paperback to hopefully help you decide what to bring.
Let us start with hardbacks, a few pros are they are very durable which makes them capable of withstanding a bit more handling and placing/removing from that beach tote full of sunscreen and sand toys. They are also a little more sturdy and can probably handle a splash or two. The cons of a hardback are obviously their heft and weight, this might make lugging more than one a bit of a chore. The hardbacks are also a bit more expensive to replace so bringing them around the beach or pool might not be the best idea.
Now let us move on to the paperback book. The pros of paperback books are they're great for travel due to their lightweight design, they are usually much cheaper than hardbacks and can generally be held open with one hand making beach reading very easy. As with their hardback counterparts, there are a few cons. Their design although great for travel actually makes them a bit more vulnerable when it comes to wear and tear and no one likes to borrow a book only to find out the last three pages have been ripped out or water damaged!
These are just a few examples of things to think about when it comes to physical books, now let us move on to a completely different option to increase your leisurely vacation reading. The e-Reader! Did you receive a gift card for a birthday or other holiday that you might want to use to fill up your e-reader? Now's the time to decide on those book titles.

Download your favorite beach reads onto your e-reader.
There are a few die-hard physical book readers vs. e-reader vacationers left out there, so packing a few books on a beach vacation is nothing new. But as with many things, the advancement of technology has made the art of reading much simpler and accessible.
e-Readers have the benefit of downloading a lot of books all in one easy to use and convenient location. Giving you a variety of options to choose from without having to dig in the bottom of your seemingly endless beach tote for that big cumbersome murder mystery hardback you could have sworn you packed only to remember it is sitting on the dining room table of the amazingly spacious 5 bedroom beach house you rented. When you use an e-Reader you are keeping your beach bag light and your time focused on the beach. Not worrying about what you might have forgotten or having to get up and walk back.
They make saving your spot in the story you are reading a breeze while you take a quick break to enjoy a refreshing dip in the Atlantic Ocean just a few feet away. Quick tip, make sure your e-Reader is waterproof and or has a waterproof case if you are taking it to the beach or the pool! Just like no one likes reading a water-logged book from wet fingers and hands making the pages all wavy, no one likes buying new tech toys due to not planning ahead and making sure their technology was properly safeguarded!

We just want you to be happy and relaxed while reading!
At the end of the day, all that matters is the experience you have while on vacation here in the Outer Banks.
You can choose to bring one or two hardback books to escape reality or bring a stack of paperbacks to catch up with your book club. You can even download everything to your e-Reader so you can lounge on the beach or poolside of your OBX vacation rental. Whatever you decide, we just want you to be happy.
In fact, you really do not have to bring a book at all because we have about 15 little free libraries all around the Outer Banks to give you a chance to grab a book and unwind. The Outer Banks also has a great selection of local bookstores to shop when visiting: Island Bookstore in both Kitty Hawk and Duck, Duck's Cottage in Duck, and Downtown Books in Manteo.
Just book your vacation and then vacation with your book (anyway that works for you)!
Before that decision fatigue sets in permanently, if you have not booked your next Outer Banks vacation yet click here to get started and use this off-season as a time to plan for your upcoming OBX vacation!
Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates is one of the most trusted vacation rental managers in the local area by growing into a market leader in the Vacation Rental and Sales Industry. Joe Lamb Jr. and his family have played a vital and intricate role in the Outer Banks Community for decades.
Over the past 50+ years, Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates have worked diligently to help promote the Outer Banks for the amazing beach and family vacation destination that it is, helping to increase tourism in the area and grow our beautiful community.