If it's late January, almost February, on the Outer Banks, it must After Dark at All Saints Episcopal Church.
Every February for at least the past 10 years All Saints Episcopal Church in Southern Shores has been offering its classes on everything from food to music to art.
There is something for everyone in the After Dark classes.
Want to learn about home brewing? Check this out:
Did you know that over 1.2 million people in the U.S. brew their own beer athome? This introductory course covers the steps, equipment, and ingredients to make your first batch of home brew. BLAKE BUCHERT is president of OBX Homebrewers Club and has been brewing for over 8 years. He recently had a American Pale Ale at the National Homebrew Competition finals in 2019. Blake started brewing with the exact process That is going to be covered in this course and you will make beer! Home course instruction. Attendees will also be offered the chance to assist later in the bottling process and nally in the tasting of your rst batch of Homebrew. Some come on out and join us for an evening of fun! Class size is limited to 20. Friday, Feb 7.
Want to learn how to play ukulele? Check out Ashley Dickerson's introduction to the instrument.
Have you always wanted to learn ukulele, but not known where to start? Do you have a ukulele you've bought but rarely use? This class is perfect for you. Designed for absolute beginners, this class will review how to tune your ukulele, how to read ukulele tabs and how to play your rst few chords. ASHLEY DICKERSON is a self-taught ukulele player. It was love at first strum when she first started to play. Now Ashley loves helping rst-time ukulele players discover the joy of learning to play the happiest instrument on earth. A class handbook is provided. Please bring your own ukulele. If you need help finding a ukulele, visit your local music store to see if they have one to rent. Class size is limited to 12 students. Class is held for two nights, class cost is $33.00 and there is an additional fee of $5.00 for supplies. Monday, Jan 27 and Monday Feb 3.
This is just a small sampling of the more than 50 evening classes that are being offered through February 28. Don't wait to register. Quite a number of classes are already filled.
Make your reservations today with Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates and discover even more about the Outer Banks.