It doesn't get much better than this. Our Outer Banks beaches were filled, and no wonder. The weather this Memorial Day weekend has been as close to perfect as could be.
Memorial Day...well, Memorial Day weekend...is the unofficial start of summer. For those who are sticklers for detail, June 21 is the first day of summer, but in the world of the Outer Banks, this weekend is it.
The water was cool, the air was warm, the sun was bright and the sand was inviting. What else is needed to have a perfect beach day.
From Corolla clear down to Ocracoke, our beaches were filled with visitors, and quite a few locals, enjoying surf, sun and a wonderful summer's day.
Before we forget, one of the Ocracoke beaches was named number two on Dr. Beach's top ten list for this year.
Almost every Outer Banks beach has been on the list at some point in time. Corolla was number one a few years back, so it's not allowed on the list anymore.
Although Memorial Day is a wonderful holiday and welcomes the summer season, here at Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates, we don't want to forget what its purpose is really all about. It is a day to thank our veterans and remember the many who have sacrificed themselves for our nation.
There will be a number of brief ceremonies tomorrow. We're including a list for those who may wish to attend.
Memorial Day Ceremonies on the Outer Banks
Southern Shores
9:00 a.m.
Southern Shores Cemetery
Dogwood Trail
Kitty Hawk
10 a.m.
Austin Cemetery
Between Ridge Road and Tillet Street
Nags Head
11 a.m.
Nags Head Town Hall
5401 S. Croatan Highway (Mile Post 14).
Kill Devil Hills
Veterans Memorial across from First Flight High School
100 Veterans Drive
11 a.m.
Veteran Memorial at the Dare County Arts Council
300 Queen Elizabeth Avenue