In the darkest of nights, which is what the winer solstice is, the beauty of Christmas lights have a power beyond the decorations of the season.
A lot of homes and businesses take the time to create Christmas scenes with their lights, but, there are two places on the Outer Banks that take that whole concept to a new level.
The Elizabethan Gardens designs their Winter Lights every year with something a little different, and walking through the gardens on a cold winter night is absolutely breathtaking
But no one has given what the Poulos family has given to the Outer Bank community over the past 40 years. That's how long Jim and Ann Poulos have been treating the locals and visitors to their own vision of Christmas lights.
Ann passed away last year, but according to a number of reports she made Jim promise the tradition going.
And what a tradition it is.
Located on Ocean Acres Drive, on maybe two acres, wandering around the paths packed with lights and decorations lifts the spirit and is a wonderful reminder the spirt of Christmas is truly found in giving.
Finding a parking place approaching the property can be a bit of a challenge. Our recommendation is to grab the first open spot on Ocean Acres after it turns into a dirt road. There may be a bit of a walk to the lights, but it is worth every step.
Santa is almost always on hand, to the delight of children, of course. But what makes the Poulos lights so magical, is that for kids, Santa is one part of a glorious experience.
Families have been coming back year after year, and it has become a true part of Outer Banks Christmas tradition.
The family will keep lights going through December 31. Make an effort to see it. It's worth it.
Winter is a marvelous time to explore the Outer Banks. Plan a winter getaway with Joe Lamb, Jr. & Associates and take the time to learn about life on a sandbar.