Do you have a vacation planned on the Outer Banks of North Carolina this summer? If you do, then allow us to share with you a little information about a much needed project taking place on our beach. Staying with us in one of our Outer Banks vacation rentals will keep you close to the beach. We at Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates wanted to share a little more information with you on what is happening on the OBX this summer with the beach nourishment project.
What is Beach Nourishment?
This is a question that is often asked many times for those who may not live at the beach, "what is beach nourishment?" Beach nourishment is something that is done periodically to most beaches whether it's on the east coast, the gulf, or the west coast. Beaches are prone to natural erosion due to hurricanes and weather patterns; these types of natural erosion can alter the way the shoreline looks.

You will notice that not all the beaches will be affected at the same time of the nourishment project. The crews will typically work on a section of the beach for about 2-3 days. During this time, they will be dredging sand from the bottom of the ocean floor and pumping it back to the shoreline that needs additional sand. They will use large machinery and large pipes to help pump the sand onto the shoreline. While this is taking place that section of the beach is closed but after the work is completed, they will move onto a new section of the beach.
What Are The Causes of Beach Erosion?

Beach erosion happens often on the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico coast. The reason is due to a high influx of wind & storms including hurricanes that impact the barrier islands. The constant wind wiping and strong waves lapping along the shores of the barrier island change their shape, shoreline, and beaches. Often, we will generally see a change in the way one of the islands looks after a major hurricane comes through the area. But it's not always just storms that can cause erosion. The wind, waves and tide changes also play a big role in the erosion as it will often take sand back into the ocean causing a change to the beach.
Benefits of Nourishment

The Outer Banks beaches are a big portion of why people continue to vacation here. We continue to keep our beaches clean, and we will continue to invite those back for years and years to come. The Outer Banks is part of the barrier islands of North Carolina and play a big part in keeping the mainland from the brunt of major storms and tides. Just like the upkeep on your home, nourishments on the OBX are required for our beaches.

We are excited to see the results of the beach renourishment when it's complete in September 2022 as there will be more beaches to love afterwards. Having strong and wide beaches provide storm protection for coastal structures, create new habitats, and enhance the beach for recreation. Staying in one of our OBX vacation rentals will allow your family to reconnect with each other this summer. We at Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates are looking forward to seeing you and your family this summer as you make new memories.
To learn more about the beach nourishment program and specific information on project updates please click here.
Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates is one of the most trusted vacation rental managers in the local area by growing into a market leader in the Vacation Rental and Sales Industry. Joe Lamb Jr. and his family have played a vital and intricate role in the Outer Banks Community for decades.
Over the past 50+ years, Joe Lamb Jr. & Associates have worked diligently to help promote the Outer Banks for the amazing beach and family vacation destination that it is, helping to increase tourism in the area and grow our beautiful community.