The food was so good it defies description; the auction items were amazing; the evening of the 15th Annual March of Dimes Chefs Auction at Duck Woods Country Club a wonderful memory.
It was also, though, a chance to reflect on the miracle of birth and what it mean to families when something goes wrong—and how precious and important that child becomes as it struggles to breath; struggles to survive, and then against all odds it does.
That was the story the Gray family told—a story of ultimate triumph in spite of the set backs and continuing medical issues. That was the story of the Pitts family who 11 months after their twins were born prematurely have a healthy children.
The event was truly memorable. We toasted 15 years with champagne; we sampled some of the best food imaginable; the generosity of the Outer Banks community was on full display with bid paddle after bid paddle rising time and time again.
Yes the auction items were worth bidding on—the Cabo, Mexico vacation package for a beachfront stay seemed to get the high bid at $2400, but as great as the auction packages were, the excitement in the room was for the bids, the money that was being raised . . . and the hope that it represents.